It was the Girl Scouts Daddy/Daughter date night and Jackie asked me to come over and snap a few pics. So here are the blond sisters (almost aged 9 and 10) with their "Dad" aka Popsy!
Monday, January 27, 2014
January 23
Sooo, the gang decided to go out to dinner tonight. I can't even begin to describe the fun night we had because it was one of those things that you just have to live for yourself to understand. But this picture pretty much sums it up if that tells you anything. Our family has the most fun ever! Never a dull moment!
January 22
Today is my Mom's birthday. She would have been 76 years old. Oh, how I miss her. It has been almost 18 years but I still tear up when I think of her and all of the things she has missed. She would be right here with us, laughing and enjoying life. Happy birthday, Mama!
January 21
Remember me telling you that they were predicting snow for this week? Well, we go it. All 29 flakes that came down. It happened right when I was picking Addi up from school and she was so excited. She was trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue. Bless her heart. She said she was going to make snow angels when she got home. I don't think so, girly!
January 20
I saw this adorable little snowman tree and just had to get my camera out and snap a pic. Is that not the cutest thing ever???!!??
January 19
I love this! Addi conned Daddy and Uncle Greg into joining her for a tea party. Looks like they were thoroughly enjoying themselves. I love Addi's expression!!
January 18
Have you ever tried Small cakes (over by the Avenue)? It is a delicious little cupcake place. See that cupcake on the right? It is called wedding cake and OH MY STARS it is like a little slice of heaven. I could't stop saying "MMMMMM" the whole time I was eating it.
January 17
It was so nice and warm today! It felt like spring was in the air. I'm not getting too excited because they are predicting SNOW for next week.
January 15
Looky what I found!! Yep, I bought these cute little gems back in October for Addi to wear during Christmas and when the time came, they were NO WHERE to be found. I searched high and low for them....tore my house apart, to no avail. Christmas came and went. Drew was cleaning his room (gasp) and walked out and handed them to me today. Grrr....about a month too late. At least she can wear them next year!
January 14
Yikes! Keith was cleaning out the garage and I looked up a minute ago and this is what was standing beside me. I hope she doesn't get any ideas for Halloween!
January 13
I am beyond thrilled that I found this adorable little dress that was Shannon's. It was in with her baby doll clothes. My mom bought this for her at Upton's (her favorite store) for Shannon's first Easter. And the cool part about it is that it will just fir Harper so she can get a picture of her in it. Be still my heart!!
January 12
Not only do I have one kid addicted to Starbucks but now the other one thinks she needs it all the time too. I think I need a second job!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
January 10
I walked into the living room today and this is what I saw. This girl LOVES her stuffed animals. I personally, would be very happy if they all found a new home at Goodwill but I think they are here to stay for a while anyway.
January 9
Ok, please don't judge my parenting skills here. Yes, I took my 13 year old to a movie that started at 10 and was 2 hours and 26 minutes long. Yes, it was a school night. Ok I kind of agree, it does sound like bad parenting. But now, the back story. When The Hunger Game movie came out, I had NO interest in seeing it. NONE! Jackie kept trying to tell me how good it was but I just couldn't be convinced. Well, Drew got the DVD for Christmas and we watched it last week. OH M GEE! How did I miss this movie???!!? It was awesome. So of course now I wanted to see the second one and since it has been out so long already there was only one showing and it was 10:00 at night. We couldn't go this weekend because Taylor was going out of town. So off the 4 of us (me, Jackie, Tay and Drew) went to see it. Great movie, (but a tad confusing)! I thought we would be the only ones in the theater but there were actually maybe 20 other people...maybe they all got it for Christmas too. But I had to snap this pic on the way out. It was completely dark and there was no one around anywhere. Not sure where all of the workers were (home in their beds??) but it was deserted.
January 8
Well, we didn't get ANY snow out of our little cold snap that we had (boo!!) so I told Addi that we would make our own indoor snow. This was so neat and easy (and cheap). Just put a bar of Ivory (must be Ivory for some odd reason) in the microwave for a few seconds and this is what happens. Addi came out of the bath smelling WONDERFUL!!
January 7
We finally ventured out a little bit today (after spending yesterday at home in our pj's). This was the fountain at the avenue! It was sooo cool looking! Oh, and no school again today!
January 6
This was a pic I took of the temps for today! It is FREEZING!!!! School canceled and everything! Brrrr!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
January 4
Girls Night Out! I have known these girls for almost 20 years! We don't get together often but when we do we just have the best time laughing and chatting it up!! Love me some Beth, Jennifer and Becky!!
January 3
My Gymbofriend, JJ came into town to visit her mom so we got a chance to get together. The girls love each other. It's so cute! They had their own little table at Chili's and Addi had her twins. Zuri has really outgrown baby dolls but she was so sweet to humor Addi and play dolls with her!
January 2
My New Year's Resolution! A 52 week savings challenge. I think I will use this for Christmas money! Hopefully I can keep up! It's week ONE and I am up to date so far! Yay me!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
I made it! So proud of myself that I was able to complete this for a whole year! Here's to a great New Year! 2014!!
December 31
We took the kids to Stars and Strikes today for a Happy "Noon" Day celebration! What a cool idea since most little kids are never able to stay up until midnight. They did it a noon instead! They had apple juice toasts, balloon drops, horns and hats and discounted game cards. It was a perfect way to spend the day!
December 29
Guess who got an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas?? Addi did! I loved mine when I was a little girl. I remember it being like an aqua blue color (note to self: google that). It hasn't changed much except for the outside. It still works pretty much the same way and still produces those little "half bite sized" chocolate chip cookies. Literally....they are half a bite.
December 28
As I was packing up my Christmas decor, I took a picture of this little tree. This si one of my favorite Christmas ornaments. I got it as a gift from a friend (Thanks, Tiff) many years ago and I just love it. The little ornaments are so sweet and dainty......and breakable.
December 27
Addi got this double stroller for Christmas! And look at the life like baby that came with it!! Lol! She had so much fun pushing Harper around in it. And Harper was perfectly content being pushed around!
December 26
Drew was up bright and early this morning ready to go shopping. We were at the mall ALL DAY! And I do mean all day. And guess how much money he has left over??? A big fat 0! Keith said he saw smoke coming out of his pocket it was burning a hole so bad!
December 25
Not the best Christmas morning picture but the only one I had of both of them (except for the one where Addi was scratching her butt). Merry Christmas!
December 24
I had the hardest time trying to choose a picture from our Kruse family get together at Jackie's. It is always SO MUCH FUN! But this picture won out. This is my dad and brother after being "dressed up" as Santa. We were divided into teams and had to dress them! It was a hoot!
December 23
When Drew was younger, I had a very small (usually just neighbors) Christmas party for him. I like to keep it to no more than 3-4 guests so I can do a lot of cute stuff and it won't cost me too much! He finally outgrew his little parties so now it's Addi's turn. We invited a few girls form our neighborhood. they made crafts, had a small gift exchange, sang songs, ate some special treats and then watched a Christmas movie all in their jammies!
December 21
Drew has been in the habit of just asking for money and gift cards for the last couple of years! He loves to go shopping and but what he wants. So instead of just putting the money in a card or his stocking, I try to come up with fun ways to give it to him. Pinterest strikes again.....I found this idea there. Each balloon (18 of them) holds a $5, $10 or $20. Can't wait to see the look on his face when he opens this "gift"!!
December 20
Addi at her pre-k Christmas party! It worked out perfectly because Keith was off of work and he got to come too. She was so excited!
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