Park play at White Oak with Malena!!!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
June 25
We went to visit Shannon, David and Harper. This is how we spent most of the day...staring at Harper. We just can't get enough of her sweet self!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
June 23
One of Holley's friends was performing in a play in a theater on the Marietta Square. Jackie and I took the kids and it was really cute!!! It was Hansel and Gretel but not scary and had a great message (eat your veggies, not candy).
June 22
There was a Family Night at Westridge for the wrap up of Surge. We went to watch Hannah perform her hip hop dance. She is a little actress and loves to get up in front of a crowd! The little blonde head in the back is hers!
June 21
Cobb County has the coolest place for kids. It is called Safety Village and is basically a miniature little town with streets, buildings, railroad crossings and vehicles. They host all Cobb County 2nd and 4th graders for field trips every year but have never been opened to the public. I just happened to see something in a local paper that they were having a family day. I took the kids and it was sooooo cute! They had the best time (even Drew) and are begging to go back!
June 20
I arranged for us to go on a back room tour at Chick Fil A. It was soo cute. We had to wear gloves and hats and little badges and even got to make our own ice cream cone!
June 19
June 18
Have you seen the new show on Lifetime called Pretty Wicked Moms? OMG! It is about six rich and SNOBBY women who live in Atlanta. The main character, Emily owns a boutique at Lenox called Swank. Jackie and Idecided we wanted to go check it out. So we got babysitters for the kids and we went. Taylor, Shannon, Drew and Harper went too. We made a day of it and had lunch and (window) shopped at Lenox! Oh and by the way....Swank was nothing special AT ALL. Just a very small, overpriced shop in a ritzy area!
Monday, June 17, 2013
June 17
Drew's new shoes! He drove me CRAZY to get these. I figured he would need them when school starts anyway so I gave in! I don't think he has taken them off since he got them!
June 16
Happy Father's Day! We had a picnic at the park with the whole fam! Fun! L to R: Holley, Addi, Grandma, Taylor, Shannon, Drew, Papa (holding Harper) and Hannah. Just missing Todd, who had already left!
June 15
Drew went to spend the weekend with Shannon so I took Addi out for a girl's day! We had lunch at the mall and then she picked her favorite fun place to visit....Build A bear Workshop! She has a new pet to add to her (ever growing) collection....Ellie!
Friday, June 14, 2013
June 13
Drew and I went out to dinner with Tammy and Julia to celebrate Julia's 12th birthday! Drew and Julia have become really good friends and love to hang out together!
June 11
A picture of my favorite hang out! This is at the avenue! My good friend, Tammy is the manager here and I visit her (and the others) at least once a week. The funny thing is...we became friends because I was a customer there. I didn't even know her before. She has a daughter the same age as Drew so they have also become friends and go to church together now!
June 10
Shannon has gone crazy having Harper's pictures taken. She found this photographer that has the CUTEST props ever! This is the most darling thing I have ever seen! Oh my!
June 9
Addi went to her first day of VBS tonight. She has been sooo excited for this day! She went last year and had a great time!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
June 8
Keith and Drew had a guys night out, much to the disappointment of Addi. She couldn't understand why she wasn't invited!! They went to eat wings and to the movies to see fast and Furious 6!
June 7
We went to the zoo today!! It's nice when Keith is home during the week because we can do things like this! Fun day!
June 6
Happy Birthday, McKayla! This is one of Addi's friends that we met a few years ago at the library! Now that they are all in preschool, we don't really get to see them too much but we still like to try to get the girls together when we can!
June 5
We went to an event at church to recap the Youth Rush trip to Daytona! These kids have an awesome time and LOVE going! Things sure have changed since I was a kid!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
June 4
This is how we like to spend some lazy summer days. In Target! Drew and I love to go when Keith is out of town and we have no where else to be. We just browse around in there for at least and hour and then we always have a snack in the little cafe! LOVE me some Target!!!!!
Monday, June 3, 2013
June 2
This was the table at Taylor's graduation party! She wanted a dessert buffet so that's what she got! Her and I worked on the decorations for this table for several weeks while Jackie supervised. I think Taylor must have gotten her "crafty" genes from her Aunt Nell, because she sure didn't get them from her mother. LOL!!
June 1
Shannon had to work the Woodstock wing Festival for Jersey's so we went to visit her! Drew was in HEAVEN! That boy LOVES.....I mean LOVES LOVES wings. He could eat them everyday. It's so funny to watch him because he gets in the zone and is oblivious to everything around him!!
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